50 Years

Our network of perfumers, fragrance evaluators, marketing and technical experts develop exquisite fragrances for your personal care products that enhance each moment of the day.

Formulating unique scents for Personal Care Products:

Imagine a mix fruit shower gel that energizes your lazy mornings and gets you ready all fresh & clean for the entire day. The fragrance in your personal care products forge a special connection with the customers delivering pleasure and confidence. It helps to uplift various moods and evoke different emotions, fragrance plays a vital role in such products.

We make sensations last through fragrances

Our team of perfumers and evaluators understand the chemistry between skin, contact chemicals and fragrances.

With each kind of personal care product, our perfumers ensure that the aroma you experience leaves a lasting impression on you.

Our constant research & innovation

Our scientific researchers move hand in hand with the changing consumer mindsets and market trends. Accordingly, we work out a fragrance idea and move towards its implementation.

To ensure we deliver a perfect scent, we observe how the fragrance fills a room and study its performance on the skin and hair when dry.

Our highly experienced perfumers combine detailed consumer insights with cutting-edge technology to design products with the feel-good freshness consumers are looking for.

Our Products

Body Lotion
Body Lotion
Hair Oil
Hair Oil
Shaving Cream
Shaving Cream
Shower Gel
Shower Gel
Skin Cream
Skin Cream
Talcum Powder
Talcum Powder